Good Essay Topics That You Might Be Interested to Know

To write a flawless essay and make sure that you get full marks in it you have to remember few things. First thing is to make sure that you have read and understood the requirements given by the professor. Second important thing is a good topic for your essay writing. Topic selection for your essay is based on the type of essay you are supposed to write. The essay you have to write must be given to you with some sort of guidelines that you get from essay writing services. There must be a ‘type’ of essay you are supposed to write. Write down the requirements, required format and word count etc in front of you and start looking for a good topic.

Apart from delivering an interesting content, a good essay topic serves many other purposes. A topic chosen very carefully provides essay writing help in many ways. You can select a topic you can research about easily, find something that you will enjoy writing about and you will do a good job. Essays must be written based on something that the readers have not read before. You can take an example from a newspaper if you have read it once; would you want to read it again?


Same is with essays; you can’t enjoy reading the same thing over and over again. Your professors should find it unique and interesting to read and you should enjoy writing it as well. So your topic should be a mix of unique content and something informative all at the same time. Writing about personal goals and aims is a good strategy if you are writing an admission essay, similarly, personal essay topics are a winner in many other ways too. Below are few essay topics that you can use, or mould them according to your requirements and needs:

  1. A Place that is Close to my Heart
  2. A Failure I experienced and what I learned from it
  3. If I had Power, what I would do with it
  4. My Favorite Period of Time
  5. Things I learned from a child
  6. The turning point in my life
  7. If I could do something all over again…
  8. The right and wrong choices I made
  9. If I get a million dollars, how would I spend them?
  10. The Hardest news I had to deliver


There are the things that you can write about based on your own experience. Since your essay writing experiences are unique and no one ever experienced the things you did, the reader will thoroughly enjoy reading about them.


How to Earn Maximum Marks in Your Essays:

Even with a great topic for your admission essay, you can sometimes face problems. If you have a good topic to write an essay but you don’t have enough time to write it with full attention this can be a problem. You can get the help of a professional writer and hire essay writing services. You can get best-written essays based on the best topics and you will be successful in getting full marks in them without the stress.