Research On Emerging Technology

Emerging digital technologies have created lots of issues in the field of the distribution and reproduction of copyright works. It is estimated that emerging technologies will bring lots of changes and advancements in the world. These technologies will transform our ways of living as well as our ways of working. D detailed guide is given below by the dissertation writing services providers UK.

Research On Emerging Technology

The technologies that are still developing and these technologies can change the business and social environments are known as emerging technologies. Some essential examples of the emerging technologies are wireless data communication, advanced robots and on-demand printing etc. Emerging digital technologies have created lots of issues in the field of the distribution and reproduction of copyright works. It is estimated that emerging technologies will bring lots of changes and advancements in the world. These technologies will transform our ways of living as well as our ways of working. Some essential emerging technologies are explained below;

  • In vitro meat

Nowadays, our major sources of getting meat are animals and chickens. We are spending a large number of our energies and resources to feed, slaughter and transport these animals and chickens. These animals also raise a huge amount of methane gas that is becoming a major cause of some climate changes. Moreover, we are also killing the animals just for getting our food. With the help of emerging technology, it is estimated that we will be able to grow meat in the lab. Therefore, there will be no need to depend on these animals for the purpose of getting meat.

  • Powered exoskeletons

For disabled persons, wheelchairs are the biggest resource to move from one place to another place. The problem with the wheelchairs is that lots of movements of the disabled persons are limited. For example, a disabled person is not able to climb up the stairs without the help of their peers or family members. With the help of emerging technology, it is expected that we will be able to make powered exoskeletons. The latest example of these powered exoskeletons is ReWalk. It means that with the help of these powered exoskeletons, it will be easy for disabled persons to move from one place to another place.

  • Brain-controlled computers

No doubt, we can see lots of advancements in the field of computer technology. With the help of computer technology, it is possible for us to make video calls with others and to store huge amount of data. With the help of the laptops, it is possible for us to work at our desired place. Along with these advancements in the field of computer technology, it is expected that we will be able to control our computers and all of its functions with the help our brains rather than our hands or legs.

  • High-speed transportation

With the help of the recent transportation, we are able to cover the distance of months in days and the distance of days in just a few hours. With the help of emerging technology, there is a possibility that we will be able to the super-fast transportation system. The average speed of this super-fast transportation system will be 760 mph and with the help of this super fast speed, it will be possible for us to reach from one end of the world to another end of the world just within 14 hours with the help of the connecting flights.

  • Agricultural drones

It is a fact that farming requires hard work. After doing this hard work, the required outcomes of farming are relatively low or unreliable. As we are bringing lots of advancements in other fields of life, it is also possible for us to bring some advancement in the field of farming with the help of drones. These drones will be able to fetch water to the plants and to detect the possible diseases of the plants. Moreover, these drones will also perform some other tasks like spraying.

  • Virtual workers

Due to lots of advancements in the field of IT, we can see that lots of jobs of human beings are replaced by computers. In the future, it is possible that we will be able to prepare such robots that can perform different duties with more accuracy than human beings. It is also expected that we will be able to devise such robots that can perform their duties as managers. It means that these robots will be able to hire or fire the employees on the basis of their performance.


Such technologies that are developing and it is expected that these technologies will replace other technologies in the next five to ten years are known as emerging technologies. It is expected that these emerging technologies will change our ways of living. Some essential examples of the emerging technologies are in vitro meat, powered exoskeletons, brain-controlled computers, agricultural drones and virtual workers etc.