The content that appears for more than one times on the internet is the duplicate content. One place means that it should appear on the unique website address. Therefore, we can say that if the same content is appearing at more than one web addresses, it is duplicate content. If we see it from a technical point of view, it is not a penalty. Most of the people think that it can last negative impacts on the SEO of a website. If the same content appears on more than one places, Google calls it as the ‘appreciably similar’ content. When search engines find the same content on more than one place, they have to face confusions about the original piece of the content. They don’t know about the suitable web page to give the most suitable place against the specific search queries.
Is Duplicate Content Not a Negative Ranking Factor?
Google’s John Mueller has given the most important statement about the duplicate content. Till now, most of us believe that plagiarized content can last negative impacts on the ranking of a website. Anyhow, the recent statement of Google’s John Mueller has proved this concept wrong. According to him, plagiarized content is not a negative ranking factor for a website. With the help of his statement, he has clarified the misconception about the duplicate content. Before this statement, most of the people pay enough attention to finding the plagiarized content of their websites over the other websites. Its reason was that they consider if their website content is present on other websites, it will destroy the ranking of their websites. After finding the duplicate content, they try to remove the duplicate content from these websites.
If the content of your website has repeated across multiple pages on the internet, this thing will not last any negative impact on the ranking of your website. According to John Mueller, it is a normal routine for the websites to have some amount of duplicate content. The algorithms of Google can easily handle it. He has given this statement in the last week. Anyhow, he has also discussed this topic during the office hours of the Google Search Central SEO. The webmasters discuss this topic regularly among the SEOs. Most of the webmasters check it while auditing the SEO of their websites.
Davor Bobek is the manager at the Blue Glacier. During this week’s office hours, he has asked a question from Google’s John Mueller. He has asked that ‘Does plagiarized content impact on the search engine’s ranking?’. Moreover, he has also asked that if the answer is yes, tell about its degree. Bobek is running a website about the car parts. As we know that the description of the car parts repeats at various places on the internet. That’s why he tries to get the answers to these questions. After knowing the impacts of the duplicate content on the ranking of a website, he wants to adopt some techniques to save his website from this kind of problem.
Google’s John Mueller has provided answers to these questions gently. While giving answers to these questions, he has cleared up the misconception of the Davor Bobek about the duplicate content. According to him, it will not last any negative impact on the ranking of a website. Anyhow, if someone uses the copy of an entire piece of your website’s content, Google will rank one and ignore the other. This kind of duplicate content can bloat a website. It will also eat up the crawl budget. If there are multiple pages of the same content on the internet, it is not a negative signal for the ranking of a website.
To provide more explanation, he has said that if sections of the content are appearing at different places on a website, it is not duplicate content. For example, if your content is appearing in the header or footer, it is not duplicate content. Moreover, it will not last any negative impact on the ranking of your website. Google’s John Mueller has also provided normal examples of the duplicate content. First of all, he has given an example of online shopping websites. In these websites, the webmasters repeat the content on all the places. Most of the retailers have to sell the same products. When they sell the same products, they share a large amount of similar content. If the description of a product is appearing on another retailer’s website, Google will not consider it as a negative signal.
Secondly, he has also given an example of the website footers. We have to share some information on the footer of a website. This information appears on all the pages of a website. From the technical point of view, it qualifies as the plagiarized content. Research by a coursework writing service firm shows that most of the webmasters fear of copied content on their websites. They have a misconception that this kind of duplicate content can last a negative impact on the ranking of their websites. Google’s John Mueller has also clarified this point. According to him, Google will not consider it as a plagiarized content. Moreover, this kind of plagiarized content will not last any impact on the ranking of a website. Some webmasters have also some other misconceptions about the plagiarized content.
First, most of the webmasters consider that if you will share the non-original content on your website, it will hurt the ranking of your website. It is a misconception because it will not hurt the ranking of a website. Secondly, they also consider that scraper can hurt the ranking of their website. The webmasters should also clear that misconception. They should know that it will neither help your website not hurt your website. That’s why instead of thinking about the scrapers, you should try to pay attention to the content of your website. Moreover, you should also try to decrease the bounce rate of your website. Thirdly, if you will publish guest posts on your website; these guest posts will hurt the ranking of your website. It is also a misconception because you just need to share the original guest posts.