Argument in any writing helps to understand anything in detail with logical reasons. You can easily evaluate different aspects of writing. It includes claims with evidence. Also, it includes different investigating methods. First of all, you have to practise the main areas before writing an argument. The first one is topic selection. While exercising, you have to go for the topic of your interest. Secondly, it is very important to know about the difference of opinion and claim. In argument writing, you have to mention claims rather than opinions. After this, you have to work on different sections of arguments. Let’s discuss both areas in detail.
Select a High-Interest Topic
According to the cheap dissertation writing service firm, for learning argumentative writing, the very first step is to select an interesting topic. The selected topic must be according to your interest. Let’s discuss the types of topics that can be used for practice. If you are a student, then it can be about homework, grading system or athletes. You can also go for a topic related to social media. Our new generation uses social media at a high rate. So, you can talk much about its use. You can also ask about co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and their importance. New generation shows a high interest in fashion and business ideas. So these topics can also work very well.
You can find topics related to sports. Every student has a taste for sports. So every student will debate according to their taste, and it can work well. There could be any topic for debate. But high-interest topics have a great impact. In high-interest topics, you can add a bundle of arguments. If you are still confused about topic finalization, you can discuss it in a group. By this, you will develop more interest in writing and listening. Before moving towards step two, you must finalize your topic.
Difference of Claim and Opinion
Let’s know about the second main point for practising argument writing. Here you have to differentiate between claim and opinion. You can also add an argument to it. Without differentiating this term, no one can get to the roots of argument writing. The claim is anything that you say with confidence. Claim require evidence, although you have mentioned the truth. The evidence must be from a credible source. Secondly, opinion is all about personal believes and thoughts. And it does not require any evidence. Lastly, the argument is about proving any claim with the help of evidence. Here you have to support your claim with logical reasons. Once you understand the difference between these three, you can move toward writing arguments.
For practising this step, you can make a group. Or you can do it individually. And then have different statements. Now ask yourself to identify which statement comes under which category. Think if the statement is related to a claim, opinion or argument. When you come up with answers, then ask the reason for selection. This thing helps to develop critical thinking. Ask why you think that the statement is a claim or opinion. Finally, you can prolong the session by asking yourself to convert the statement from one category to another. For example, the given statement is a claim. Now ask yourself to make it an opinion and vice versa (Kuhn et al., 2017).
You should be able to answer all inquiry-based questions. You have to do your inquiry on your own. If the change is enough or your writing need to be more specified. For example, college burgers are distasteful. It is an opinion. Now you can change this opinion into an claim. Then it would be like, college burgers lack in nutrition and more like to be bland. Here ‘bland’ work as evidence. It can be based on spices used in a burger.
By exercising this type of activity, you can get command on claims and opinions. So, in the second step of writing arguments, there should be a claim. Rather than opinion, you have to use a claim or argument.
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Steps to Writing an Argument
The argument in your writing needs to have a smooth flow. In your writing, there need to be proper sectioning. Let’s get to know about four sections of writing. And, how to write an argument in it?
Before mentioning any argument, you have to introduce the topic. In this section, you have to add a background of the study. It will help the reader to understand the argument. In an argument, you have to analyze different ideas. Then you have to provide its evidence. For understanding all these aspects, introduction is necessary. You have to introduce your argument. The introduction plays a role as a foundation for the next discussion. For this, create a context for your topic as well as for your argument. Mention the importance of the topic. And clarify the need for argument. This approach makes the reader curious about learning more. Without attracting the readers, your writing would not have much worth. So the section of introduction is a ground for you. Here you have to bound your readers by making them curious. You have to be very careful about your tone and style of writing.
After introduction, you have to mention the summary. This summary must include your claims. Also, add all the main points of dissertation writing service. You have to mention your claims. There is no need to explain the main points and claims in summary. A summary is just a brief touch. It can be of two or three lines only. Without mentioning the summary, you cannot go for explanation. So you have to be careful about this section.
Body Paragraphs
This is the main section where you have to discuss argument in detail. Here you have to add two or three paragraphs. You can extend the number of paragraphs as per need. So, in each paragraph, you have to discuss different ideas. You have to discuss this in detail. Like, you must add reason and evidence of each idea. Add relevant examples and statistics to support your claim. Do not forget to cite any statistics or evidence. Critically analyze and state the reason for your agreement or disagreement.
Here you have to summarize all the discussed arguments. You should not add any new facts or arguments to it. But discuss the effects of already mentioned arguments.